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Beacons on the Talmud's Sea

This publication is based on the Jewish community in nineteenth-century adapted from the Works of The Lubavitcher Rebbe and copyrighted by Sichos in English. It contains analysis of passages from the talmud and issues In Halachah
The essays are arranged in four sections:
  1. Distinctive Stances in the Talmud: Three essays which show how a Sage or a school of Sages follow a distinctive pattern of reasoning (azlinan leshitaso) which sheds light on their characteristic approaches to a variety of seemingly unrelated matters.
  2. Holidays in Torah Law: A treatment of the halachic dimension of the holidays and communal fasts.
  3. Unlocking the Aggadah: The Aggadah teaches the homiletical and ethical dimensions of Torah thought. These four essays demonstrate how the insights of Chassidus can imbue this realm of knowledge with a new and penetrating light.
  4. Issues in the Halachah: In-depth analyses of particular halachic issues or Talmudic passages.
As the term "sampler" implies, the subjects were chosen because they were felt to be indicative of the Rebbe's style of teaching, or because they reflected subjects which the Rebbe would frequently emphasize.
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